Student Recommendation Letter Guidelines

To help us evaluate the student proposals, please include the following in the recommendation: 

  • Student name and title of the proposed presentation
  • The nature of your relationship to the student
  • Your level of familiarity with the proposed paper:
    • Have you read the paper?
    • Have you read a larger work from which this paper is drawn (e.g. dissertation chapter)?
  • Would you recommend that this paper be included in the program?

The recommendation may be sent in the text of an email or as an attachment.  It should be emailed directly to It will not be shared with the student.  ETS will only grant access to our review committee members.

The proposal period ends March 28 at 5:00 PM (PST) and all student proposals must have a letter of recommendation in before the period ends.  Student proposals lacking a recommendation by the stated deadline will not be considered for inclusion in the program.