ETS Advertising Opportunities

Advertising in JETS

Reaching over 4,500 members and subscribers each quarter, JETS offers publishers the opportunity to reach a large target audience with interests in biblical studies, biblical languages, theology, and church history. Whether purchasing a one-time ad, or looking to establish a long-term advertising presence, JETS ads are an affordable and convenient way to reach potential readers. JETS advertising is limited to publishers, and is restricted to announcements related to new publications, publishing opportunities, sales, catalogs, etc.

Email Advertising Service

Through the ETS Advertiser Email Service, publishers can submit advertisements to the Society for distribution to our members. The service is limited to publishers, and is restricted to announcements related to new publications, publishing opportunities, sales, catalogs, etc.

Advertisers are responsible for the creation of the message. HTML is the preferred format, although plain text can be sent as well.

Mail List Rental

The ETS mailing list is available for one-time use rentals.

Annual Meeting Exhibit Space

Each year the Annual Meeting of the Society offers publishers, ministries, schools, software companies, and other organizations the opportunity to interact with our members and conference guests. With booths in a variety of price ranges, the ETS Annual Meeting can serve as a wonderful showcase for new publications, products, and ministry opportunities.

Annual Meeting Sponsorships and Advertising

Each year the Annual Meeting program is mailed to Society members and to non-members who register for the conference. The Annual Meeting program is an excellent way to advertise your products, institution, or conference.