Josiah is the Judean king who sought God faithfully by cleansing the land, repairing some damaged part of the temple, and observing the Passover according to the Law. However, Josiah’s reform appeared to fail with the sudden death of Josiah, which resulted in Judah’s rapid returning to idolatry. In my judgement, however, even though superficially his reform ended in failure, God was preparing for a hopeful future of God’s people through it. In effect, Josiah’s reform was for the Post-exilic Yehudite Community in the postexilic period, not for Josiah’s contemporaries. According to Hulda’s prophecy, the destruction of the Southern Judah and the Jerusalem temple has already been a fixed fact, and the seventy years of the Babylonian captivity was about to happen. In this respect, the Judean captives need to have a firm faith in God in order to endure a difficult time ahead. Josiah’s reform is to demonstrate that God has granted the Southern Judah the grace to endure the difficult time of the Babylonian captivity. Indeed, God’s grace must have been given to some faithful Judahites through Josiah’s reform. We can find an example in his contemporaries of Josiah’s time. Where did the faith of Daniel and his three friends come from (Dan 3)? They would be Josiah’s contemporaries who were influenced by his reform (Daniel was taken captive to Babylonia in B.C. 605, and Josiah was suddenly dead in B. C. 609). Daniel and his three friends would have lived in the Josiah’s time. There would have been those who were favored Josiah’s reform (albeit in a short period of time), experiencing God’s grace, in the situation of apostasy and idolatry that prevailed in the Southern Judah. Some of them would be Daniel and his three friends who were taken captive to Babylonia. Without this considering, it is impossible to explain how the godly people like Daniel and his three friends came into being in the severe apostate time. Therefore, Josiah’s reform did not fail. Rather, God was preparing for the Post-exilic Yehudite Community and its future generation through Josiah’s reform.