Pastoral Positioning and Missio-economics in Light of the New Testament and Ante-Nicene Fathers

Little scholarship has focused on the Ante-Nicene era regarding the view of the pastor as a shepherd who releases authority to the congregation in a manner more conducive to the priesthood of all believers and how that positioning affects the missio-economics of the church. This topic is important for the modern church because of the distortion of the pastoral role that has crept into the prevailing global model of church ecclesiology and how that affects churches’ economics in missions. This paper argues for reimagining the pastor’s positioning and a shift in the missio-economics of the church to resemble that of the New Testament and Ante-Nicene Fathers. Through this analysis, discoveries will be made showing the humble leadership of pastors, the releasing of authority to lay church members, the priesthood of all believers, the economics of missions, and the multiplication of disciples. This paper will conclude with a charge to generate reform that is indicative of these discoveries and that this reform will be a helpful posture to expanding God’s glorious kingdom through empowered everyday disciples that make disciples for generations to come.