Allusion or Illusion in John 20:19-23?

4-1-24 Andrew Carr Thesis: This research paper will seek to establish via methodological rigor that there is an allusion to Genesis 2:7 and Ezekiel 37:9 in John 20:19-23(the emphasis will be upon Ezek 37:9), and that an awareness of these allusions helps to clarify the Christological and missional focus of this passage. Johannine scholars have … Read more

Exegetical Value of Textual Variants in Galatians 3:19

In this paper, I apply narrative textual criticism to the textual variants in Galatians 3:19 to determine how they might augment the exegetical task. While historically the goal of textual criticism was to construct the “original” New Testament text, this goal has shifted in recent discussion in favor of a reconstruction of the Ausgangstext, or … Read more

Who Does Paul Mean by the “Wretched Man” in Rom 7:24?

The “wretched man” in Rom 7:24 has inspired various interpretations among scholars. Douglas Moo argues that the “wretched man” refers to an unregenerate man because the “wretched man” is described as a sinner sold under sin in Rom 7:14 (The Epistle to the Romans, 442-53). Thomas Schreiner suggests that the “wretched man” is neither regenerate … Read more

Persecution, Perseverance and the Mission of the Church in Hebrews

The church’s missionary task often happens in the context of suffering and persecution. As the church proclaims and disseminates the good news, there will be an inevitable backlash of every sort. Sometimes, the church perseveres and overcomes the reality and threat of persecution. At other times, the church succumbs to the sufferings and persecutions she … Read more