What are we asking when we pray, “Lead us not into temptation”?

What has traditionally been labeled “the Lord’s Prayer” was taught by Jesus as a sample of how to pray (Matthew 6:5-15; Luke 11:2-4). It includes the petition, in English translation, “lead us not into temptation,” which some have interpreted to mean that God otherwise tempts humans to do what he condemns. This has prompted a … Read more

Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as God-Given Means of Theological Triage

As Charles Taylor points out, Western Culture is steeped in expressive individualism marked by a disembedded existence and excarnation. These realities are further complicated by the relational conflict that often marks both culture in general and the church in particular. The church has responded to this reality in many ways. Theologians such as Al Mohler … Read more

How to Read a Theology Book

This paper is about how to read a theology book skillfully. Theology readers often get stuck here, so I plan to explain seven guidelines on how to read a theology book skillfully: 1. Read carefully. (I’ll unpack the goal, reason, means, method, and need for careful Reading.) 2. Read at different levels. (I’ll unpack three … Read more

Perspectives on Boko Haram’s Stated Ideology: What Are Christians and Non-Christians Saying?

The emergence of Boko Haram and its stated ideology triggers various perspectives by Christians and non-Christians in the Nigerian context. The political and socioeconomic arguments appear reasonable to some scholars because of the dominant narratives of contextual challenges: poverty, lawlessness, unemployment, corruption, sectionalism, social upheavals, and bad governance. Political and socioeconomic arguments see Boko Haram … Read more