The Composition of Forgiveness

Though divine forgiveness is a central feature of the Bible’s story, scholars disagree about its composition. What, precisely, is the nature of the forgiveness God extends to mankind? Some believe forgiveness can be individually and unilaterally given, requiring only the wronged person to carry out the action (i.e. Jonathan Rutledge). Others see it as an … Read more

Trinitarian Theology Apologetically Considered

The church uses the doctrine of the Trinity for many things that we might call internal to the church: catechesis, systematics, worship, spiritual formation, and hermeneutics. But the doctrine also has a function toward those outside the Christian faith, especially in apologetics. This paper is a high-level survey of the aspects of trinitarian doctrine that … Read more

The Incomprehensibility of the Trinity: Absolutely Non-Personalist or Paradoxically So?

While the predominant understanding of classical incomprehensibility requires Trinitarian persons who are absolutely non-personalist (see, for example, in Stephen Holmes), this paper will argue for a classical incomprehensibility that allows for a paradox: persons who are non-personalist, in one sense, and personalist, in another. This understanding of “paradoxical incomprehensibility” is theologically preferable to “absolute incomprehensibility” … Read more

What is the gospel? A biblical-confessional approach

Clarity about the gospel is a crucial issue for evangelicalism, and it has been a point of considerable dispute in recent decades. This paper will argue that clarifying the content and nature of the gospel is properly a systematic theological or dogmatic question. It is not resolved simply by examining the New Testament use of … Read more

The Way of Eminence and Negation: a New Path to Anthropology

In a Babel-like age in which man increasingly seeks to decrease the gap between man and God, there is a need for evangelical theologians to defend and define a biblical understanding of man’s existence and limitations. In theology proper, many theologians have used the way of eminence and the way of negation as a way … Read more

Inheriting God: A Defense of the visio Dei per essentiam

Most of the recent Reformed literature on the beatific vision argues that there is a distinctively Reformed approach to that doctrine which privileges Christology in a unique way (e.g., Horton (2007), McDonald (2012), Allen (2015, 2018), Boersma (2018), Sutanto (2024)). Contained within that argument is an implicit, and sometimes explicit, premise that the traditional Western … Read more

Toward Unity of Old, Young and Temple Creation Based on Genesis 1 as Hebrew Historical Narrative

Evangelicalism has developed unified doctrines on God, Christ, salvation, and Scripture, but not on creation. Most evangelicals recognize that Genesis 1 is historical narrative, but many disappointingly limit historical narrative interpretation at some point. The inspiration of Scripture extends to grammar, suggesting that if we interpret all of Genesis 1 as reporting sequential historical events, … Read more