Determinism, Compatibilism, and the Divine Decree

In this paper, I argue that the divine decree entails determinism because its scope is universal, its efficacy entails a hypothetical necessity, and it is internal to God; and in light of determinism, we ought to affirm compatibilism—the belief that free agency and moral responsibility are compatible with determinism. The Reformed tradition has affirmed this … Read more

Reformed Anthropology and Infused Habits

The goal of this paper is to develop a reformed catholic model of sanctification. I will advance that we need a specific theory of virtue formation with a critical reception of infused habits that is not necessarily contrary to a reformed anthropology. With the help of John Owen and Peter Vermigli, I will defend an … Read more

The Protological Prophetic Role of Humanity in Genesis 1-2

Christological Anthropology is a methodological approach to Theological Anthropology which identifies Christ as the proper and primary model of true humanity rather than pre-lapsarian Adam. Within this methodological approach, it would be proper to ask whether Christ’s three-fold office of prophet, priest, and king popularized by Calvin and codified in the Westminster confession may apply … Read more

Towards a View of Incorporated Righteousness and its Effects on the Christian Life.

Central to St. Paul’s theology is the concept of δικαιασύνη and its cognates. Over the years, scholars have promoted differing ideas on the essence of δικαιασύνη and how one should understand the term. The present study will begin by exploring, in brief, the history of the theological conceptions of δικαιασύνη and what St. Paul is … Read more

A Trinitarian Approach to Grace in the Doctrine of Salvation

Contemporary evangelical systematic theology treatments on the doctrine of salvation often centers on historical tensions between Pelagian/Augustinian or Arminian/Calvinist viewpoints. Specifically, when discussing salvation by grace, theologians center discussions on grace on the Pelagian/Augustinian or Arminian/Calvinist positions on the role of humanity in salvation. This results in discussions on grace in salvation within the context … Read more

Metaphysics and Mediation: The Place of Person in the Atonement

This paper argues that the anthropological extension of Christ’s human ontology strengthens the coherence of his penal substitutionary atonement (PSA). The traditional explanation of how the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ secures the eternal redemption of his people by effectively paying the penalty they deserve presents a central truth of the gospel as a warranted theological … Read more