Heaven a Place on Earth? Comparing Neo-Calvinist and Classical Theistic Eschatology

The Neo-Calvinist vision of the eschaton seems to rely heavily on a new-earth-centered paradigm of eternity over against the more classical theistic rendering of a beatific-God-centered perspective and yet both positions claim to be grounded in the Reformed tradition. These seemingly disparate views, which declare a similar foundation, raise interpretive questions of a biblical and … Read more

A Thomistic Ontology of the Law and Its Implications on the Continuity and Discontinuity Debate

In this paper, I will utilize Thomas’s four categories of law—eternal, natural, human, and divine—to shed light on the continuity-discontinuity debate across biblical theological systems. His more robust metaphysical argument sheds light on contemporary debates on the continuity or discontinuity of the law within biblical theology.. I will argue that Thomas’s metaphysics and categories concerning … Read more

A Simple Answer: The Historical Use of Divine Simplicity in Polemics and Apologetics

The doctrine of divine simplicity has been largely ignored, rejected, or redefined in the last one hundred years of scholarship until the recent resurgence of interest. Specifically, modern apologist theologians and philosophers have largely rejected this doctrine in discussing God’s attributes and the relations of the Trinitarian persons, believing it to be something to apologize … Read more

God’s Covenant Speaking

In Exodus 19–24 and Deuteronomy 4–5, we find a striking textual emphasis upon God’s covenant speaking and, correspondingly, a call for God’s covenant creatures to listen. Emphasis upon divine speaking and creaturely listening not only exists in these primary texts but also persists in canonical intertextual interaction, further strengthening the case for their interpretive importance. … Read more

Divine Stability: Participation as an Apologetic Response to Process Theology

The rise of Process Theology in the modern West—particularly in association with the ever-growing “deconstruction” movement—is an under-addressed concern among Evangelical Christians. Process Theology, a radically “open” theological system in which all beings, including God, are composed of ever-changing processes, is the Christian-identifying outgrowth of Alfred North Whitehead’s “Process Philosophy.” As articulated by process theists … Read more

Communion with the Triune God: A Nuptial Incorporative Account

This paper defends a fundamentally nuptial account of union with the Trinity, or communion with the triune God. We are incorporated into the triune communion specifically as the bride of Christ (individually as well as corporately). I define spiritual marriage as comprehensive and organic union which is open to spiritual offspring. The comprehensive union is … Read more