Judges 13-16: Samson as Failed Archetypal King

The narrative of Samson (Judg 13-16) occupies a prominent place within the book of Judges. This narrative, settled between the failed kingship of Abimelech in Judges 9, and several narratives containing the refrain “in those days there was no king in Israel” (Judg 17:6, 18:1, 19:1, 21:25; indicating the apparent societal failures in the absence … Read more

God’s Glory in Forgiveness

This study seeks to situate the revelation of God’s glory in Exodus 34:6–7 in concrete action, namely in the greater context of how God has revealed himself in the book of Exodus through signs and wonders, and in the particular context of Israel’s sin in making the golden calf. In a fresh study on signs … Read more

The Divine Prerogative of Sub-Saharan African Influence during the United Kingdom

The Bible presents God’s magnificent divine plan, executed by chosen people for a specific purpose. There are illustrations of those from various regions impacting those worldwide throughout the Bible. While much of the Old Testament takes place in ancient Mesopotamia, the magnitude of God’s plan is global. This paper will examine sub-Saharan people groups in … Read more

The Kerux Crux: Appropriating Old Covenant Narrative for the Global Church

Determining appropriate and necessary application from OT narratives challenges the best of modern expositors. One’s hermeneutical presuppositions, including the place of the author, text, and reader, ground the role of discerning theology in narrative and anticipating the necessary connection to Christ, and then how the text should impact our lives before we unfold it to … Read more