Vague and Provocative: The Pauline Approach to the Dilemma of Christian Slavery

While the Colossian and Ephesian Haustafeln issue different commands to masters, both commands use language which, if pressed literally, threatens to undermine the distinction between master and slave. The command, τὴν ἰσότητα τοῖς δούλοις παρέχεσθε (Col 4:1), can easily be read as a command to treat slaves as equals, while the command, τὰ αὐτὰ ποιεῖτε … Read more

Collaborative Authorship of Thessalonians: Evidence/Arguments/Corollaries of Plural Contributors

The two Thessalonian letters are unique in the biblical corpus (and among wider epistolary evidence) in naming three overt participants in the letters’ prescripts. Debate continues as to whether Silvanus and Timothy join Paul as “coauthors” or merely as “cosenders.” This paper continues the exploration, recognizing and pursuing several incomplete avenues of inquiry. Scholarship is … Read more

Paul’s Collection for the Saints in Jerusalem: How Much Did Luke Know?

The silence in Acts regarding Paul’s collection for Jerusalem has been described as “thunderous,” “striking,” and “extremely surprising.” Apart from a single (and contested) reference to the collection in Acts 24:17, Luke seems to have overlooked the project that occupied so much of the Apostle’s time, attention, and theological reflection. Paul’s collection for Jerusalem was … Read more

Trinitarian Christology and Paul’s Definition of the Gospel

As we read Paul’s letter to the Romans, we encounter crucial theological definitions of the gospel, Jesus’ identity, their relation to the Scriptures, Paul’s ministry, and more. Additionally, we see works attempting to understand Jesus’ divinity or relation to the Godhead that purposefully avoid engaging with fourth-century creedal formulations. There are studies on Jesus’ divinity … Read more

More Than a Passing Glance: Illuminating Paul’s Metaphorical Mirror in 2 Cor 3:18

This paper addresses the exegetical impasse regarding κατοπτριζόμενοι in 2 Corinthians 3:18. While some (e.g., Belleville, Wright) take this to mean “reflect,” the majority rightly affirm the more traditional “behold as in a mirror.” However, this begs the question of precisely what sort of looking Paul envisions. Proposals focused on possible backgrounds—e.g., Zosimus’s magical mirror … Read more

Righteousness in the Hebrew Bible and Implications for Pauline Theology

It is widely recognised that Paul’s use of the term “righteousness” (δικαιοσύνη) must be understood against the background of the Hebrew equivalents צדק and צדקה. This paper explores the meaning of the Hebrew terminology and identifies various ways in which it has been misunderstood in Pauline scholarship. In particular, it will be argued that the … Read more