Baptism in Indian Christianity: An Inconvenient Convention or A Necessity?

This paper examines a major issue in contemporary Indian Christianity: the necessity of baptism in a context where the issue has become especially contentious in recent years due to theological, social, and political dynamics. By considering the challenges raised by the Indian context, the paper seeks to provide an evangelical response which is rooted in … Read more

Heritages of global evangelicalism in English Reformers’ self-identification as evangelicals

In endeavoring to account for the identity of global evangelicalism today, considering the usage and significance of the term “evangelicals” in various heritages of centuries past is essential to understanding the evangelical identity that followed. The designation “evangelicals” existed well before the use of the term to characterize the eighteenth-century Great Awakenings or before its … Read more

Surrogate Motherhood: A Christian Ethical Analysis

Thesis: Surrogate motherhood conflicts with several principles of Christian ethics and the practice presents more problems than it solves. Summary Surrogacy can be defined as the practice whereby one woman carries and delivers a child for another woman, another man, or another couple with or without payment with the intention that the child should be … Read more

The Progressive Decline of the Doctrine of God’s Fatherhood: A Theological Analysis

The doctrine of God the Father and God’s fatherhood has been largely neglected in contemporary Western Christianity. Although some scholars such as Thomas Smail, Gerald Bray, Fred Sanders, Ryan L. Rippee, and others recognize this neglection, few have traced its causes. This paper attempts to provide a theological and historical diagnosis for this particular symptom … Read more

Evangelicals in Persia 1811–1911: The Legacy of Henry Martyn

In 1813, the Missionary Register of the Church Missionary Society published a translation of a letter from the Persian sovereign, Fath Ali Shah Qajar. After receiving a Persian New Testament from the British ambassador, the shah wrote that the New Testament “has been translated in a style most befitting Sacred Books.” Fath Ali assured that … Read more

Covenant, Mission and Worship: A Reuse of Exodus 19 and Isaiah 43 in 1 Peter 2:9

Co-author: Malalasoa Daniel Andrianjafimbeloarijaona, PhD student, AIIAS Theological Seminary The Scriptures emphasize the importance of remaining faithful to God’s covenant by following its requirements and stipulations. 1 Peter 2:9a reverberates the Sinaitic covenant made with the Israelites in Exod 19:5–6, while 1Pet 2:9b, introduced by the telic conjunction ὅπως (“in order that”), expresses the implication … Read more