Piper on Saving Faith: A Response from Calvin and Aquinas

In his 2022 book, What is Saving Faith? Reflections on Receiving Christ as a Treasure, John Piper proposes that saving faith—which could be described as the initial faith by which we are justified and which perseveres to final salvation—by its very nature, contains spiritual affections. He begins by explain what he is considering, “I am … Read more

Risking the Cosmic Order: Echoes of Creation in Psalm 82:5

Psalm 82 has been fraught with interpretive difficulties throughout most of the history of its reception. Most of these difficulties are focused on the gods of the divine council in verses 1 and 6. The psalm has also been a favorite for comfort in knowing that God will bring about ultimate justice. The perennial problem … Read more

God’s Accommodation for People with Disabilities: a New Interpretation of Leviticus 21

The qualifications outlined in Leviticus 21:16-23 for the priesthood have unfortunately led to the formation of negative perceptions towards people with disabilities. This perspective portrays people with disabilities as flawed, impure, profane, sinful, cursed, or even immoral. These representations contribute to a distorted and unfair image of disability and those who are differently abled and … Read more

Same but Different: The Meaning and (Mis)use of a Reformed Formula

The majority Reformed position regarding the relationship between the old and new covenants in seventeenth century Britain may be summarized by the formula: same in substance but different in administration. There were disagreements, however, among those who held this position, particularly with respect to the differences between the covenants. In fact, the way in which … Read more

What is Concupiscence and Does it Require Repentance?

The aim of this paper is to clarify the meaning of the Reformed doctrine of concupiscence with a view to answering the personal and pastoral question: Is concupiscence something we should mourn or something of which we should repent? The impetus for this paper lies in the fact that, in recent years, the doctrine of … Read more

The Witness of Wilfrido Sierra Castro: Two Panegyrics about a Holy Peasant

Wilfrido Sierra Castro (1909-1969) was a humble peasant from the tiny rural hamlet of Rio Verde, Esmeraldas, Ecuador, who might have been just another obscure evangelical believer hidden from public view, were it not for the fact that for a few years (1966-1968) he was the neighbor of the caustic, brilliant, acerbically humorous, bitterly agnostic … Read more

Adorning the Gospel or Stripping it Bare: Case Studies in Christian Nationalism

The proposed paper seeks to answer whether Christian Nationalism (CN), as described by Stephen Wolfe, threatens to diminish the witness of the evangelical Gospel around the world. This paper will first offer a working definition based on a survey of writings from Christian nationalists, then, use Wolfe’s contention that Christians must politically assert themselves to … Read more