Crosscultural Mentorship of Margaret Barber on Watchman Nee in 20th-Century Chinese Christianity

Margaret Emma Barber (1866–1930), a British female Anglican missionary, and Watchman Nee (1903–1972), a prominent leader of the churches in China, had a significant, yet largely unexplored, cross-cultural mentoring relationship in the early twentieth century. Despite Barber’s relative obscurity today, her profound influence on Nee’s spiritual and theological development warrants investigation. This paper aims to … Read more

Global Nearness through Psalmic Cries: Psalm 145’s Use of Deuteronomy 4:7

This paper proposes that Psalm 145:18 alludes to Deuteronomy 4:7. To date, although some interpreters have noted the two texts as cross-references,[1] seemingly none have proposed that the psalmist alludes to Deuteronomy 4:7. This paper analyzes the lexical and contextual evidence for the allusion before considering its rhetorical role in the psalm.[2] Because of proposals … Read more

The Genre of Genesis 1: Genealogy as Historical Narrative

The longstanding debate over the genre of Genesis 1 has created more heat than light. This has been especially true within evangelical circles among those who profess to be young-earth creationists and old-earth proponents. Those who hold to the former view assert that the genre is primarily “historical narrative,” while those in the latter group … Read more

Welcoming the Evangelical Stranger: Showing Hospitality to Evangelical Immigrants

The field of diaspora missiology has erupted over the past twenty years as a legitimate subfield of missiology. Diaspora missiology studies occur at the intersection of missiology and migration theory with an emphasis on strategies to minister to and through the diaspora populations of the world. While the prevailing focus in diaspora missiology rightly centers … Read more

The Macrostructure of First John

The structure of 1 John has defied analysis because modern scholars begin their outline from 1:6 rather than 1:1, excluding 1:1-5 as well as 5:15-21 as irrelevant to their task, which skews and distorts their attempt to discover the outline and argument of the epistle. This paper proposes a viable solution based upon an overarching … Read more

Reconsidering the Colometry of the Psalms

Reacting against the occasionally peculiar colometry of the BHS, in which line division in poetry was determined by the supposed meter of a text, the BHQ adopted for poetry the standard of following the colometry implied by the MT cantillation, the te’amim. Indeed, for many interpreters, the cantillation marks are de facto an inviolable guide … Read more

The Figurative Use of “Son” in the Old Testament: A Frame-Semantic Approach

Based on recent frame-semantic research on the [Discipleship] frame in Hosea, the present author has discerned the presence of a father-son (discipleship) relation between Israel and YHWH in Hos 11:10 (cf. Hos 11:1; Matt 2:15). This father-son relation between Israel and YHWH is distinctly different from that of the “sons of God” elsewhere in the … Read more

The Authoritative Use of Logic in the New Testament

As current culture continues to dismantle the imago Dei, successful evangelism requires the church to raise up biblically sound, intellectually strong Christians capable of teaching more than Christian doctrine. To engage with and counter cultural assaults, church leaders have an obligation to instill a biblical standard of how to think and not merely what to … Read more

The Nomen Sacrum for Πνεῦμα in the LXX of Codex Alexandrinus

When compared to the scribal tendency of writing πνεῦμα ubiquitously as a nomen sacrum in the New Testament of Codex Sinaiticus and the minimalist scribal tendency in the New Testament of Codex Vaticanus, Codex Alexandrinus (02) demonstrates a consistent scribal tendency that prefers the nomen sacrum form. The codex also preserves selective scribal deviations from … Read more