A Tale of Two Kings: Reading the Book of Isaiah at Qumran

Biblical scholars have employed various tools and approaches in seeking to understand the structure of the book of Isaiah (e.g., form criticism, historical criticism, thematic approaches, and biblical-theological approaches). This paper explores the contributions of an alternative approach. It examines the scribal marks and para-textual features of the earliest extant copies of the book of … Read more

Inheriting God: A Defense of the visio Dei per essentiam

Most of the recent Reformed literature on the beatific vision argues that there is a distinctively Reformed approach to that doctrine which privileges Christology in a unique way (e.g., Horton (2007), McDonald (2012), Allen (2015, 2018), Boersma (2018), Sutanto (2024)). Contained within that argument is an implicit, and sometimes explicit, premise that the traditional Western … Read more

Engaging Global Evangelicalism on the Doorstep by Cultural Intelligence

Globalization of migration creates opportunities for missions on our doorstep. In Hong Kong, the number of ethnic minorities increased by 37% over the past ten years. Further, more Chinese from mainland China immigrated to Hong Kong. While the world focuses on the development of AI, fewer people are concerned about the development of relations between … Read more

The Movement of the proto-Masoretic Text during the Second Temple Period

The discipline of Old Testament textual criticism is foundational to biblical studies. To quote a famous book title, “Is There a Meaning in the Text?” presupposes a text to study and interpret. For western Bible scholars and Christians, that text is almost always the Masoretic Text. Despite this reliance on the Masoretic Text, there is … Read more

Navigating Unity and Diversity: Models for Responding to Global Theology

As Christianity shifted from one clearly defined Western center to multiple centers in the global south and east, a myriad of contextual theologies and missiologies arose. Christians have reacted to these new cultural theologies and missiologies in varying ways, ranging from wholehearted acceptance to suspicious rejection. This paper seeks to categorize these reactions by providing … Read more

Christ’s Beatific Vision amongst the Reformed Orthodox: An Alternative Account

It has become common amongst contemporary Reformed theologians to claim that one of the differences between the 17th century Reformed and Roman Catholics was whether Christ had the beatific vision during his earthly life. The Reformed Orthodox are said to deny Christ’s beatific vision during his earthly ministry while the Roman Catholics affirm. Michael Allen, … Read more