A Retrieval of Calvin’s Thought on Romans 9:6-29 in light of Paul’s Intent

Paul explicitly states in his salutation in his letter to the Romans his purpose to “evangelize” Rome, and he states after the body of the letter his desire to proclaim the gospel of Christ in Spain. Part of Paul’s theological emphases for his practical purpose of evangelism concerns instructing the Roman believers concerning God’s election … Read more

What Christ Has Renewed: Singleness and New Humanity

Based on the biblical evidence, especially from the New Testament, this paper will argue that Christ’s coming, i.e. his incarnation, earthly ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, has renewed many things including singleness. Through Christ’s mission, God created a new humanity (Eph 2), to whom are given a new covenant, new command, new identity, and new … Read more

Jeremiah’s Integration of Wisdom: Knowing Yahweh through Creation and Covenant

The relationship and integration of different religious traditions within the Hebrew Bible remains a vexing question. Recent studies in Jeremiah have explored aspects of wisdom and so-called wisdom traditions, such as its structural and rhetorical role binding together chapters 7–10 and its theological connections to creation and the created order more broadly. However, the specific … Read more

The Forgotten Father?

Thomas’ Smail’s provocatively titled book, The Forgotten Father, claims that both the Jesus movement and the charismatic movement eclipse a theology of God the Father, thus, he is forgotten. T.F. Torrance believes Smail is correct and seeks to correct this forgetting by offering deep reflection on God the Father. As helpful as Torrance is, his … Read more

David’s Response to YHWH in 2 Samuel 7:18–29 (= 1 Chr 17:16–27)

The account of YHWH’s dynastic promise to David in 2 Sam 7 (= 1 Chr 17) is a watershed moment in salvation history and a focal point in biblical theology. Understandably, most interpreters give special attention to YHWH’s oracle in vv. 4–17 (= 1 Chr 17:4–15). However, the response in vv. 18–29 (= 1 Chr … Read more

Matthew Bates, Paul, and the Galatian Opponents: One King to Rule Them All?

In Matthew Bates’s influential Salvation by Allegiance Alone (2017) and Gospel Allegiance (2019), the content of the gospel is said to consist of a series of 8 or 10 “Christ events.” Thus, for Bates, Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox all agree on the gospel’s content. This article argues that Bates’s definition would not differentiate between Paul’s … Read more