“What’s Love Got to Do with It (the book of Psalms)?” Everything

It is common for students of the Bible – including believers – to minimize the importance of love in the Old Testament. This is unfortunate and incorrect because the love of God is an essential teaching that permeates both parts of the Bible. This essay will focus on the Psalter – the “little Bible” of … Read more

George Whitefield’s Christocentric Preaching

The colonial revivalist, George Whitefield, preached thousands of times throughout his ministry. In contradistinction to pastors, Whitefield preached primarily to the unconverted. Therefore, his sermon themes naturally gravitated toward the Gospel message and the work of Jesus Christ. About one hundred of his sermons are extant for study and the texts of those sermons range … Read more

A Methodology for Developing Theological Hispanic Institutes for First Generation Immigrants

According to recent demographic studies, the Hispanic population of the United States is now more numerous than ever. Although many of these immigrants are Christians who are interested in affordable theological education, relatively few institutions in the United States presently accommodate their unique needs. This proposed presentation will consider strategies for developing non-credit curriculum for … Read more

Christ The Afflicter: Reading Colossians 1:24 in the Shadow of Acts 9:16

The proposed paper will argue that τῶν θλίψεων τοῦ Χριστοῦ in Colossians 1:24 should be read with the natural force of a subjective genitive, as afflictions imposed by Christ upon the apostle. This interpretation is commended by the words of the exalted Christ concerning Paul in Acts 9:16, “For I will show him how many … Read more

Go means go, and “as you go” must die: A simplified argument for Matthew 28:19

Despite the efforts of esteemed Greek grammarians (Huffman 2012, Moulton 1908, Mounce 1993, Nuun 1920, Robertson 1934, Wallace 1996, Young 1994), and like a recurring nightmare, the phrase πορευθέντες οὖν μαθητεύσατε in Matthew 28:19 continues to be misinterpreted as “Therefore, as you go, make disciples.” This misinterpretation, which has significant ramifications on global evangelism, is … Read more

Augustine, Social Media, and Narrative Shaping of the Self

This is a co-authored proposal. The co-author is Hannah Turrill. In Confessions, Augustine presents two vignettes (3.2.2-4; 8.6.14-7.17) that, in important ways, parallel our interactions with social media. Both involve Augustine’s interaction and response to narratives, and both serve as smaller stories within the grand story of Confessions itself. Placing these two vignettes alongside one … Read more