Jesus’ “I AM” Statements in Light of Ancient Boasting

Comparisons between Paul and Greco-Roman boasting is fairly well ploughed ground in both classical and NT studies. Similarly, the literary role of the “I AM” statements in the Gospel of John is well studied. Customarily, modern exegetes immediately jump from an “I AM” statement to its theological import, including perhaps how Jesus’ original listeners would … Read more

John of Damascus Approach to Islam: Critical Insights for Today’s Church

While many Christians show interest in studying and understanding Islam, some approach it from a sociopolitical and cultural lens, and others employ historical and theological approaches to comprehend the religion brought forth by Muhammad. One of the earliest and major Christian examples in engaging Islam was John of Damascus (c. 675–754). He identified Muslims as … Read more

Global Exegesis and Theology: A Taxonomy of Approaches

In recognition of the growth of global Christianity, many biblical scholars and theologians have advocated opening the theological conversation to scholars outside the West. Publishers have begun to answer this call by increasingly publishing works on global exegesis and global theology (GT). This call has resulted in a variety of approaches toward the generally accepted … Read more

Joseph Kinghorn (1766–1832) and the Baptist Missionary Society

When John Stoughton (1807–1897) wrote about the English Baptist life in the first decades of the nineteenth century, the Norwich-born Congregationalist historian pointed out how “the hypercalvinistic controversy, the communion controversy, and the Serampore controversy” had impacted members of the Baptist sect. As an outgrowth of the first controversy, the life of the Baptist Missionary … Read more

The Underwater Basilica at Nicaea: Was This the Place Where the Council Met?

In 2014 aerial photography revealed a submerged structure in Lake Iznik. The following year Mustafa Şahin, head of the Archaeology Department at Uludaǧ University in Bursa, began work at the site. It was immediately clear that the structure was a Christian Basilica and excavations suggested that the basilica was constructed in the fourth century. Of … Read more

The Poetics of Psalm 122

In the generation or so since the foundational work of Robert Alter, Adele Berlin, and others, narrative and artistic literary analysis has come into its own as a profitable and popular field of study alongside more formal and genre approaches to reading psalms. In this paper, I integrate and synthesize the linguistic, discourse, formal, and … Read more

What is the Literal Sense? A Brief Historical Review and Then Proposal

The Christian tradition has historically affirmed the priority and foundational nature of the literal sense for interpretation. However, the literal sense is one of the most slippery phrases in the history of interpretation. To say that one interprets literally doesn’t say much about how one interprets. This paper will overview what modern people mean by … Read more