New Proposal of Historical Sociolinguistics for Biblical Studies

Over the last century, historical criticism, literary criticism, and social-scientific criticism have played a critical role in biblical studies. From methodological perspectives, these critical approaches can be categorized into two types of inquiries. The first inquiry views the biblical texts as windows to see the historical societies behind the Scripture (historical criticism and social-scientific criticism). … Read more

How to Read a Theology Book

This paper is about how to read a theology book skillfully. Theology readers often get stuck here, so I plan to explain seven guidelines on how to read a theology book skillfully: 1. Read carefully. (I’ll unpack the goal, reason, means, method, and need for careful Reading.) 2. Read at different levels. (I’ll unpack three … Read more

Global Evangelicalism – in the Next Dispensation

This study is occasioned by: 1) the ongoing debate about whether OT prophecies about the restoration of the nation of Israel and the restoration of Gentile nations are fulfilled in Christ and the Church in the present age – or in the future reign of the Messiah on earth; 2) the current debate about whether … Read more

Canonical Capstone: The Great Commission In Its Jewish Symbolic World

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) has generated extensive reflections for missiology, ecclesiology, and pedagogy. Its literary structure, canonical context, and symbolism however can easily be eclipsed. In this paper I propose a reading of Matthew 28:18-20 that pays attention to “metalepsis” (Hays 2005), the “generative matrix” (Hays 2016), and “encyclopedia” (Huizenga 2009) of the “Jewish … Read more

A Lawful Death: Νόμος, Agency, and Paul in Galatians 2:19

Paul’s words in Galatians 2:19 have been described as “paradoxical” and “without parallel” (Moo 2013), even “breathtaking” (Barclay 2015). Whereas νόμος and ‘life’ are consistently drawn together throughout the LXX and Apocrypha (Das 2014), Paul instead describes νόμος as an agent of death. In this paper I survey the agency of νόμος in the LXX/Apocrypha, … Read more

Perspectives on Boko Haram’s Stated Ideology: What Are Christians and Non-Christians Saying?

The emergence of Boko Haram and its stated ideology triggers various perspectives by Christians and non-Christians in the Nigerian context. The political and socioeconomic arguments appear reasonable to some scholars because of the dominant narratives of contextual challenges: poverty, lawlessness, unemployment, corruption, sectionalism, social upheavals, and bad governance. Political and socioeconomic arguments see Boko Haram … Read more