Benjamin Keach: A Mystical Union and the Communication of Attributes

This paper argues that Benjamin Keach’s view of the mystical union and communication of attributes between believers and Christ is theologically consistent with the teaching of the church fathers. Benjamin Keach (1640-1704) was ardently opposed to the Christological heresies that had become prevalent during his life. Groups such as the Caffynites and the Quakers, a … Read more

The Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart: Formative Narrative Approach

The hardening of Pharaoh’s heart in Exodus 4-14 has been a debatable issue for a long time among biblical scholars and theologians. The challenge is to answer the question: did Pharaoh harden his heart, did God harden Pharaoh’s heart, or both? What is the relationship between the divine influence of God and the free will … Read more

The Other: Torah Codes, Redemptive Movement Hermeneutics and Global Evangelicalism

The future of global evangelicalism depends largely upon the individual and institutional relationships of evangelicals across national boundaries and political divides. While we may assume a certain level of Christian solidarity, the reality is that the appropriate Christian response to the other—particularly foreigners, immigrants, and strangers—is a complex, perennial, and often heated debate. American evangelical … Read more

Reading Scripture with the global evangelical community: a case for extra-modern hermeneutics

In the modern age, Western hermeneutics increasingly followed the historical-grammatical method. Allegorical, typological, spiritual, and theological readings of Scripture within Scripture were typically attributed to divine authority. As such, they were not commended to future, non-inspired readers of a closed canon. Such readings in pre-modern Christianity were often dismissed as the interpretive approach of a … Read more

The Role of Ruth in the Canon: Defining Sacred Space

The genealogy in Ruth 4:18-22 serves both as a key theological conclusion to the book of Ruth and a vital clue to the role of the book in the canon of Scripture. The introduction of the genealogy “Now these are the descendants of …” (וְאֵלֶּה תֹּולְדֹות) signals its similarity with the previous toledot structure in … Read more

Divine Stability: Participation as an Apologetic Response to Process Theology

The rise of Process Theology in the modern West—particularly in association with the ever-growing “deconstruction” movement—is an under-addressed concern among Evangelical Christians. Process Theology, a radically “open” theological system in which all beings, including God, are composed of ever-changing processes, is the Christian-identifying outgrowth of Alfred North Whitehead’s “Process Philosophy.” As articulated by process theists … Read more

What is given to Jesus as the “Prophet like Moses” in John 6:35-40?

The accepted understanding of John’s use of πᾶν ὃ in John 6:37 and 6:39 is that, in some way, πᾶν ὃ refers to the subsequent clause, either as depicting individuals (e.g., Schnackenburg) or the totality of believers (e.g., Bruce). This paper is an exploration of an alternative reading, where this combination refers to the antecedent … Read more