Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Edessa and Jerusalem Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Edessa and Jerusalem - Jonathan Loopstra
Appropriating Ancient Authorities: Toward Understanding how Second Temple Authors Established Authority in Apocalyptic Literature Appropriating Ancient Authorities: Toward Understanding how Second Temple Authors Established Authority in Apocalyptic Literature - Christian Wilder
The Origin of Archangels: Ideological Mystification of Nobility The Origin of Archangels: Ideological Mystification of Nobility - Frank W
The Concept of Exile in Late Second Temple Judaism: A Review of Recent Scholarship The Concept of Exile in Late Second Temple Judaism: A Review of Recent Scholarship - nicholas.piotrowski
Whence the Giant Jesus and his Talking Cross? The Resurrection in Gospel of Peter 10.39–42 as Prophetic Fulfilment of LXX Psalm 18 Whence the Giant Jesus and his Talking Cross? The Resurrection in Gospel of Peter 10.39–42 as Prophetic Fulfilment of LXX Psalm 18 - Frank W
“Wisdom and the Sojourning Saints or Christ and the Wandering Sinners? The Wilderness Wandering Motif in Hebrews as a Reaction to Wisdom of Solomon” “Wisdom and the Sojourning Saints or Christ and the Wandering Sinners? The Wilderness Wandering Motif in Hebrews as a Reaction to Wisdom of Solomon” - Paul Himes
“An Unseen Paleographical Problem with Milne and Skeat’s Dictation Theory of Codex Sinaiticus.” “An Unseen Paleographical Problem with Milne and Skeat’s Dictation Theory of Codex Sinaiticus.” - Zachary Cole
“Figural Reading in the Book of the Cave of Treasures: Recovering an Interpretive Tradition” “Figural Reading in the Book of the Cave of Treasures: Recovering an Interpretive Tradition” - Frank W