The World’s Oldest Alphabet: Hebrew as the Language of the Proto-Consonantal Script The World’s Oldest Alphabet: Hebrew as the Language of the Proto-Consonantal Script - douglas.petrovich
Biblical Hebrew in Chinese: Fostering the Rethinking of Teaching Method through Language Defamiliarization Biblical Hebrew in Chinese: Fostering the Rethinking of Teaching Method through Language Defamiliarization - Scott Callaham
Why Did Peter Change the Septuagint? A Reexamination of the Significance of the Use of Τίθημι in 1 Peter2:6 Why Did Peter Change the Septuagint? A Reexamination of the Significance of the Use of Τίθημι in 1 Peter2:6 - Paul Himes
Aprenda a leer el griego del Nuevo Testamento Aprenda a leer el griego del Nuevo Testamento - Frank W
“Figural Reading in the Book of the Cave of Treasures: Recovering an Interpretive Tradition” “Figural Reading in the Book of the Cave of Treasures: Recovering an Interpretive Tradition” - Frank W
Grappling wth the Chronology of the Genesis Flood: Navigating the Flow of Time in Biblical Narrative Grappling wth the Chronology of the Genesis Flood: Navigating the Flow of Time in Biblical Narrative - steven.boyd
Is ‘Righteousness’ a Relational Concept in the Hebrew Bible? Is ‘Righteousness’ a Relational Concept in the Hebrew Bible? - Charles Irons
“Jesus on Anger (Matt 5,22a): A History of Recent Scholarship” “Jesus on Anger (Matt 5,22a): A History of Recent Scholarship” - Frank W
The Timeless, Unifying Rhetoric of Lamentations The Timeless, Unifying Rhetoric of Lamentations - Benjamin Giffone
Jehovah’s Witnesses and John 1:1: New Evidence Advances the Discussion Jehovah’s Witnesses and John 1:1: New Evidence Advances the Discussion - brian.wright