“The Text of Acts in MS Bibl. Nationale Syr. 30” “The Text of Acts in MS Bibl. Nationale Syr. 30” - Daniel McConaughy
“‘Our’ Poets at Athens? Reconsidering a Variant Reading in Acts 17,28” “‘Our’ Poets at Athens? Reconsidering a Variant Reading in Acts 17,28” - Nathan J. Nadeau
Early Witnesses to the Syriac Text of Acts Chapter Fifteen, Verses 20 and 29 Early Witnesses to the Syriac Text of Acts Chapter Fifteen, Verses 20 and 29 - Daniel McConaughy
Defending Agabus as New Testament Prophet: A Content-based Study of His Predictions in Acts Defending Agabus as New Testament Prophet: A Content-based Study of His Predictions in Acts - Sung Cho
“The Significance of Three Narrative Parallels of Men and Women in Luke 1, John 3—4, and Acts 9” “The Significance of Three Narrative Parallels of Men and Women in Luke 1, John 3—4, and Acts 9” - david.gannett-malick
“First-Person Claims in Some Ancient Historians and Acts.” “First-Person Claims in Some Ancient Historians and Acts.” - Craig Keener
The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus: Luke’s Account of God’s Unfolding Plan. The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus: Luke’s Account of God’s Unfolding Plan. - Alan Thompson