The Rhetoric of Matthean “Small Faith” The Rhetoric of Matthean “Small Faith” - Christopher Seglenieks
Matthew 24–25 as Prophetic-Apocalyptic: Structure, Function, and Eschatology Matthew 24–25 as Prophetic-Apocalyptic: Structure, Function, and Eschatology - Kennedy Ekeocha
The Universal and Cosmic Dimensions of the Vocation of the Magi in Jacob of Serug’s Mimro: On the Star that Appeared to the Magi The Universal and Cosmic Dimensions of the Vocation of the Magi in Jacob of Serug’s Mimro: On the Star that Appeared to the Magi - Daniel McConaughy
Metánoia (Repentance): A Major Theme of the Gospel of Matthew Metánoia (Repentance): A Major Theme of the Gospel of Matthew - Choongjae Lee
Matthew’s New David at the End of Exile: A Socio-Rhetorical Study of Scriptural Quotations Matthew’s New David at the End of Exile: A Socio-Rhetorical Study of Scriptural Quotations - nicholas.piotrowski
Israel’s Last Prophet: Jesus and the Jewish Leaders in Matthew 23 Israel’s Last Prophet: Jesus and the Jewish Leaders in Matthew 23 - david.turner
“After the Deportation”: Observations in Matthew’s Apocalyptic Genealogy “After the Deportation”: Observations in Matthew’s Apocalyptic Genealogy - nicholas.piotrowski
“Jesus on Anger (Matt 5,22a): A History of Recent Scholarship” “Jesus on Anger (Matt 5,22a): A History of Recent Scholarship” - Frank W
“I Will Save My People from Their Sins”: The Influence of Ezekiel 36:28b-29a; 37:23b on Matthew 1:21 “I Will Save My People from Their Sins”: The Influence of Ezekiel 36:28b-29a; 37:23b on Matthew 1:21 - nicholas.piotrowski