I Alone Am Left: Elijah and the Remnant in Luke-Acts I Alone Am Left: Elijah and the Remnant in Luke-Acts - JeremyOtten
The Widening Circle: Honour, Shame, and Collectivism in the Parable of the Prodigal Son The Widening Circle: Honour, Shame, and Collectivism in the Parable of the Prodigal Son - Daniel Eng
Bloodless Atonement?: A Theological and Exegetical Study of the Last Supper Sayings Bloodless Atonement?: A Theological and Exegetical Study of the Last Supper Sayings - Frank W
Matthean Posteriority: An Exploration of Matthew’s Use of Mark and Luke as a Solution to the Synoptic Problem Matthean Posteriority: An Exploration of Matthew’s Use of Mark and Luke as a Solution to the Synoptic Problem - rob.macewen
Greek Syntax as a Criterion of Authenticity: A New Discussion and Proposal Greek Syntax as a Criterion of Authenticity: A New Discussion and Proposal - brian.wright