Praying the Psalms with Augustine and Friends Praying the Psalms with Augustine and Friends - Carmen Imes
Ascending on the Pathway of the Messiah: A Short Study of Songs of Ascents (translated from the Chinese title) Ascending on the Pathway of the Messiah: A Short Study of Songs of Ascents (translated from the Chinese title) - alankam-yau.chan
Whence the Giant Jesus and his Talking Cross? The Resurrection in Gospel of Peter 10.39–42 as Prophetic Fulfilment of LXX Psalm 18 Whence the Giant Jesus and his Talking Cross? The Resurrection in Gospel of Peter 10.39–42 as Prophetic Fulfilment of LXX Psalm 18 - Frank W
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Elohim within the Psalms: Petitioning the Creator to Order Chaos in Oral-Derived Literature Elohim within the Psalms: Petitioning the Creator to Order Chaos in Oral-Derived Literature - Terrance Wardlaw