Genre-Specific Biblical Interpretation in 1 Peter Genre-Specific Biblical Interpretation in 1 Peter - jatkinson18665
“The Philosophy of History and New Testament History: A Survey of the Former with Some Implications for the Latter” “The Philosophy of History and New Testament History: A Survey of the Former with Some Implications for the Latter” - Nathan J. Nadeau
Spirit, Scripture, Saints, and Seminary: Toward a Reappropriation of “Spirit Illumination” in “Scripture Interpretation” for Seminarians Spirit, Scripture, Saints, and Seminary: Toward a Reappropriation of “Spirit Illumination” in “Scripture Interpretation” for Seminarians - Peter Tie
Intertextual Borrowing between 1 Peter and Hebrews: Probability of Literary Dependence and the Most Likely Direction of Borrowing Intertextual Borrowing between 1 Peter and Hebrews: Probability of Literary Dependence and the Most Likely Direction of Borrowing - lizm
Probability of Intertextual Borrowing: A Methodology for Determining the Likelihood of Literary Dependence and the Direction of Borrowing between New Testament Books Probability of Intertextual Borrowing: A Methodology for Determining the Likelihood of Literary Dependence and the Direction of Borrowing between New Testament Books - lizm
The Doctrine of Scripture and Biblical Contextualization: Inspiration, Authority, Inerrancy, and the Canon The Doctrine of Scripture and Biblical Contextualization: Inspiration, Authority, Inerrancy, and the Canon - Brad Vaughn
A Hermeneutic of Wisdom: Recovering the Formative Agency of Scripture A Hermeneutic of Wisdom: Recovering the Formative Agency of Scripture - Frank W
First Peter’s Identity Theology and the Community of Faith: A Test-Case in How Social Scientific Criticism Can Assist with Theological Ethics via Biblical Theology First Peter’s Identity Theology and the Community of Faith: A Test-Case in How Social Scientific Criticism Can Assist with Theological Ethics via Biblical Theology - Paul Himes
“Pentecostal Biblical Interpretation/Spirit Hermeneutics” “Pentecostal Biblical Interpretation/Spirit Hermeneutics” - Craig Keener