“Inseparable Operations, Trinitarian Missions, and the Necessity of a Christological Pneumatology” “Inseparable Operations, Trinitarian Missions, and the Necessity of a Christological Pneumatology” - Torey Teer
The Neglected Trinity: Recovering from Theological Amnesia The Neglected Trinity: Recovering from Theological Amnesia - steven.tsoukalas
Genre-Specific Biblical Interpretation in 1 Peter Genre-Specific Biblical Interpretation in 1 Peter - jatkinson18665
Natural Theology: A Biblical and Historical Introduction and Defense Natural Theology: A Biblical and Historical Introduction and Defense - David Haines
“The Philosophy of History and New Testament History: A Survey of the Former with Some Implications for the Latter” “The Philosophy of History and New Testament History: A Survey of the Former with Some Implications for the Latter” - Nathan J. Nadeau
“A Southern Baptist Story in the Philippines: The Life and Ministry of Henry P. Silbor, 1938-2010” “A Southern Baptist Story in the Philippines: The Life and Ministry of Henry P. Silbor, 1938-2010” - jparceno
“Utopian Virtual Reality in Ready Player One: Responding with Real Hope and the Christian Teleos” “Utopian Virtual Reality in Ready Player One: Responding with Real Hope and the Christian Teleos” - jparceno