Bibliographic information:
Teer, Torey J. S. “Classical versus Contemporary: Engaging Trinitarian and Pneumatological Models for Ongoing Theological Construction.” Westminster Theological Journal 83, no. 2 (Fall 2021): 355–81.
In light of, on the one hand, ongoing scholarly interest in the trinitarian theology (as well as Christology and pneumatology) and, on the other hand, ongoing conversations and recent proposals concerning how to best engage in trinitarian theology, this article considers whether certain contemporary models of trinitarian theological method—social trinitarianism and third article theology (which includes Spirit Christology)—are preferable alternatives to the historic approach to the Trinity—classical trinitarianism and traditional taxis theology. Critically engaging recent proponents of social trinitarianism and third article theology, this article contends that those models do not have what it takes to unseat classical trinitarianism and traditional taxis theology as the preferred methodological framework from which to pursue trinitarian discourse in particular and Christian theology in general.
Westminster Theological Journal (website: