“Basil of Caesarea, Inseparable Operations, and the Divinity of the Holy Spirit: A Pro-Nicene Case Study” “Basil of Caesarea, Inseparable Operations, and the Divinity of the Holy Spirit: A Pro-Nicene Case Study” - Torey Teer
“Classical versus Contemporary: Engaging Trinitarian and Pneumatological Models for Ongoing Theological Construction” “Classical versus Contemporary: Engaging Trinitarian and Pneumatological Models for Ongoing Theological Construction” - Torey Teer
“Inseparable Operations, Trinitarian Missions, and the Necessity of a Christological Pneumatology” “Inseparable Operations, Trinitarian Missions, and the Necessity of a Christological Pneumatology” - Torey Teer
The Neglected Trinity: Recovering from Theological Amnesia The Neglected Trinity: Recovering from Theological Amnesia - Steven Tsoukalas
“The Perfector of All Divine Acts: Inseparable Operations, the Holy Spirit, and the Providence of God” “The Perfector of All Divine Acts: Inseparable Operations, the Holy Spirit, and the Providence of God” - Torey Teer
“Inseparable Operations of the Trinity: Outdated Relic or Valuable Tool?” “Inseparable Operations of the Trinity: Outdated Relic or Valuable Tool?” - Torey Teer
“‘As the Father Has Sent Me, Even So I Am Sending You’: The Divine Missions and the Mission of the Church.” “‘As the Father Has Sent Me, Even So I Am Sending You’: The Divine Missions and the Mission of the Church.” - Torey Teer
God is One: A Christian Defence of Divine Unity in the Muslim Golden Age God is One: A Christian Defence of Divine Unity in the Muslim Golden Age - mikekuhn
A Development, Not a Departure: The Lacunae in the Debate of the Doctrine of the Trinity and Gender Roles A Development, Not a Departure: The Lacunae in the Debate of the Doctrine of the Trinity and Gender Roles - Hongyi Yang
The Son who Learned Obedience: A Theological Case Against the Eternal Submission of the Son The Son who Learned Obedience: A Theological Case Against the Eternal Submission of the Son - D. Glenn Butner