In the Name of Our Lord: Four Models of the Relationship Between Baptism, Catechesis, and Communion In the Name of Our Lord: Four Models of the Relationship Between Baptism, Catechesis, and Communion - Jonathan Watson
Toward an Ecclesiology of Racial Reconciliation: A Pentecostal Perspective Toward an Ecclesiology of Racial Reconciliation: A Pentecostal Perspective - obama100
A Hearer of God’s Word: Ten Ways to Listen to Sermons Better A Hearer of God’s Word: Ten Ways to Listen to Sermons Better - brian.najapfour
Sing to the LORD a New Song (in Chinese)! An L2 Songwriting Experience at the Intersection of Faith and Scholarship Sing to the LORD a New Song (in Chinese)! An L2 Songwriting Experience at the Intersection of Faith and Scholarship - Scott Callaham
Revelation and Response: The Why and How of Leading Corporate Worship Through Song Revelation and Response: The Why and How of Leading Corporate Worship Through Song - Samuel Parkison
By the Waters of Babylon: Worship in a Post-Christian Culture By the Waters of Babylon: Worship in a Post-Christian Culture - saniol
Baptismal and Missional Ecclesiology in the American Book of Common Prayer Baptismal and Missional Ecclesiology in the American Book of Common Prayer - Frank W
Exchanging Symbols for Symbolic Exchange: Towards a Realistic, Ecumenical, Reformed Sacramental Theology Exchanging Symbols for Symbolic Exchange: Towards a Realistic, Ecumenical, Reformed Sacramental Theology - Frank W
Child Dedication: Considered Historically, Theologically, and Pastorally Child Dedication: Considered Historically, Theologically, and Pastorally - brian.najapfour