Celestial Spheres: Angelic Bodies & Hyperspace Celestial Spheres: Angelic Bodies & Hyperspace - Austin Freeman
Refocusing the Image: Domestic Violence, Refugees, and the Imago Dei in John Calvin’s Pastoral Theology Refocusing the Image: Domestic Violence, Refugees, and the Imago Dei in John Calvin’s Pastoral Theology - ChrisWoznicki
Peter Martyr Vermigli’s Account of Petitionary Prayer: A Reformation Alternative to Contemporary Two-Way Contingency Accounts Peter Martyr Vermigli’s Account of Petitionary Prayer: A Reformation Alternative to Contemporary Two-Way Contingency Accounts - ChrisWoznicki
Canonical Approaches, New Trajectories, and the Book of Daniel Canonical Approaches, New Trajectories, and the Book of Daniel - Jordan Scheetz
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Trading Places: Faithful Job and Doubtful Autolycus in Theophilus’ Apology Trading Places: Faithful Job and Doubtful Autolycus in Theophilus’ Apology - Stuart Parsons
The Augustinian Perspective on the Transmission of Original Sin and Assisted Reproductive Technologies The Augustinian Perspective on the Transmission of Original Sin and Assisted Reproductive Technologies - cristinarichie
Spurgeon’s Use of Luther against the Oxford Movement Spurgeon’s Use of Luther against the Oxford Movement - Geoff Chang
First Peter’s Identity Theology and the Community of Faith: A Test-Case in How Social Scientific Criticism Can Assist with Theological Ethics via Biblical Theology First Peter’s Identity Theology and the Community of Faith: A Test-Case in How Social Scientific Criticism Can Assist with Theological Ethics via Biblical Theology - Paul Himes