Colin E. Gunton and Public Theologians: Toward a Trinitarian Public Theology Colin E. Gunton and Public Theologians: Toward a Trinitarian Public Theology - Naomi Reese
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Sell Your Possessions: Luke 12:33 and the Greco-Roman Utopian Ideal Sell Your Possessions: Luke 12:33 and the Greco-Roman Utopian Ideal - Murray Vasser
“Emotions, Empathy, and Engagement with God in Revelation 6:9–11.” “Emotions, Empathy, and Engagement with God in Revelation 6:9–11.” - david.seal
Redeeming Edwards’s Doctrine of Hell: An “Edwardsean” Account Redeeming Edwards’s Doctrine of Hell: An “Edwardsean” Account - ChrisWoznicki
The Concept of Exile in Late Second Temple Judaism: A Review of Recent Scholarship The Concept of Exile in Late Second Temple Judaism: A Review of Recent Scholarship - nicholas.piotrowski