“Amos and Ecclesiastes: Toward Developing a Theological Response to Oppression” “Amos and Ecclesiastes: Toward Developing a Theological Response to Oppression” - Russell Meek
Fire in the Water: Baptismal Aptness and Ecology in the Petrine Epistles Fire in the Water: Baptismal Aptness and Ecology in the Petrine Epistles - Frank W
Building a Framework for Green Bioethics: Integrating Ecology into the Medical Industry Building a Framework for Green Bioethics: Integrating Ecology into the Medical Industry - cristinarichie
The Christian Story and Our Stories: Narrative Pedagogy in Congregational Life The Christian Story and Our Stories: Narrative Pedagogy in Congregational Life - ben.espinoza
The Scandal of the Evangelical [Female] Mind The Scandal of the Evangelical [Female] Mind - cristinarichie
How Lunar and Solar Eclipses Shed Light on Biblical Events How Lunar and Solar Eclipses Shed Light on Biblical Events - Rodger Young
1 Timothy 3:16 — A New Perspective, Evangelical Quarterly, Vol LXXXV No. 2 April 2013, 105-120 1 Timothy 3:16 — A New Perspective, Evangelical Quarterly, Vol LXXXV No. 2 April 2013, 105-120 - Frank W
“I Will Save My People from Their Sins”: The Influence of Ezekiel 36:28b-29a; 37:23b on Matthew 1:21 “I Will Save My People from Their Sins”: The Influence of Ezekiel 36:28b-29a; 37:23b on Matthew 1:21 - nicholas.piotrowski
“You Will Appear as Fishers” (Mark 1:17): Disciples as Agents of Judgment “You Will Appear as Fishers” (Mark 1:17): Disciples as Agents of Judgment - chip.anderson
Old Testament Preaching from the Lectionary: Challenge, Case Study, and Reflection Old Testament Preaching from the Lectionary: Challenge, Case Study, and Reflection - Scott Callaham