“‘After this manner therefore pray ye’: Puritan Perspectives on the Lord’s Prayer” “‘After this manner therefore pray ye’: Puritan Perspectives on the Lord’s Prayer” - brian.najapfour
Jonathan Edwards and the Polemics of Theosis Jonathan Edwards and the Polemics of Theosis - Kyle Strobel
“Anteriority and Justification: Pragmatic Functions of the We-x-Qatal Form in Direct Speech in the Book of Genesis “Anteriority and Justification: Pragmatic Functions of the We-x-Qatal Form in Direct Speech in the Book of Genesis - William Osborne
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The Anonymous Sermo in natali sanctorum innocentium: An Antecedent Witness to Tyconian Exegesis The Anonymous Sermo in natali sanctorum innocentium: An Antecedent Witness to Tyconian Exegesis - David Robinson
Passive Paradox: Demoted Agent Promotion in Biblical Hebrew Passive Paradox: Demoted Agent Promotion in Biblical Hebrew - Scott Callaham
“The Piety of Joseph Hart as Reflected in His Life, Ministry, and Hymns” “The Piety of Joseph Hart as Reflected in His Life, Ministry, and Hymns” - brian.najapfour
“‘[T]hat it might lead and direct men unto Christ’: John Owen’s View of the Mosaic Covenant,” “‘[T]hat it might lead and direct men unto Christ’: John Owen’s View of the Mosaic Covenant,” - brian.najapfour
“From Rights to Rites: A Eucharistic Reframing of the Abortion Debate” “From Rights to Rites: A Eucharistic Reframing of the Abortion Debate” - Frank W