Original Sin and Its Effects Within the Economy of Salvation Original Sin and Its Effects Within the Economy of Salvation - Dennis Jowers
“Pentecostal Biblical Interpretation/Spirit Hermeneutics” “Pentecostal Biblical Interpretation/Spirit Hermeneutics” - Craig Keener
“Anabaptist Kinship Revisited: Implications for Baptist Origins and Identity” “Anabaptist Kinship Revisited: Implications for Baptist Origins and Identity” - James Patterson
“‘Consolation for the Despairing’: C. H. Spurgeon’s Endorsement of Lament Psalms in Public Worship.” “‘Consolation for the Despairing’: C. H. Spurgeon’s Endorsement of Lament Psalms in Public Worship.” - Alan Thompson
The Perpetuation of Racial Assumptions in Biblical Studies The Perpetuation of Racial Assumptions in Biblical Studies - Frank W
“Wisdom and the Sojourning Saints or Christ and the Wandering Sinners? The Wilderness Wandering Motif in Hebrews as a Reaction to Wisdom of Solomon” “Wisdom and the Sojourning Saints or Christ and the Wandering Sinners? The Wilderness Wandering Motif in Hebrews as a Reaction to Wisdom of Solomon” - Paul Himes
Retelling the Story of God: An Apologetic for the Christian Worldview Retelling the Story of God: An Apologetic for the Christian Worldview - Frank W