Is ‘Righteousness’ a Relational Concept in the Hebrew Bible? Is ‘Righteousness’ a Relational Concept in the Hebrew Bible? - Charles Irons
“Living Evangelistically: Biblical Motivation for Proclaiming the Gospel” “Living Evangelistically: Biblical Motivation for Proclaiming the Gospel” - brian.najapfour
” ‘A Christian Prince Hath Charge of Both Tables’: John Jewel’s Biblical Doctrine of the Royal Supremacy” ” ‘A Christian Prince Hath Charge of Both Tables’: John Jewel’s Biblical Doctrine of the Royal Supremacy” - Andre Gazal
“Jesus on Anger (Matt 5,22a): A History of Recent Scholarship” “Jesus on Anger (Matt 5,22a): A History of Recent Scholarship” - Frank W
Reformierter Pietismus und Mission: Friedrich Adolph Lampes Ausführungen zur Beziehung von Kirche und ‘Heidentum’ in seinen Erklärungen zum Heidelberger Katechismus Reformierter Pietismus und Mission: Friedrich Adolph Lampes Ausführungen zur Beziehung von Kirche und ‘Heidentum’ in seinen Erklärungen zum Heidelberger Katechismus - Frank W
“The Church in History: Ecclesiological Ideals and Institutional Realities” “The Church in History: Ecclesiological Ideals and Institutional Realities” - James Patterson
2 Corinthians 5:16-17 and 1 Timothy 6:17-20 2 Corinthians 5:16-17 and 1 Timothy 6:17-20 - Linda Belleville