Canonical Capstone: The Great Commission In Its Jewish Symbolic World

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) has generated extensive reflections for missiology, ecclesiology, and pedagogy. Its literary structure, canonical context, and symbolism however can easily be eclipsed. In this paper I propose a reading of Matthew 28:18-20 that pays attention to “metalepsis” (Hays 2005), the “generative matrix” (Hays 2016), and “encyclopedia” (Huizenga 2009) of the “Jewish … Read more

The Divine Pursuit of Samaria: SFL-based Intertextuality in Hosea and John 4

The book of Hosea holds out astonishing divine promises for the restoration of northern Israel. In the rest of the Hebrew Bible, however, the salvation-historical focus narrows to Judah, seeming to leave out its northern counterpart after its destruction and exile (2 Kgs 17). Has the divine promise of restoration for northern Israel been enveloped … Read more