The Quest and Pursuit of African Christology: Implications for Global Evangelicalism

This paper aims to show the development of African Christology out of particular lived-realities of African Christians. These lived-realities necessitated, according to Victor Ezigbo, a re-imagining of the person and works of Christ specifically for African people. The fundamental Christological questions go all the way back to John Taylor’s widely quoted inquiry which reads: “But … Read more

Women’s Trousers and the Global Church: God-Honoring Gender Expression beyond the West

In our previous work (ETS 2023), Torey Teer and I, building upon the foundation laid by Gregg Allison (2019 article, 2021 book, 2022 online article), Gracilynn Hanson (2022 dissertation), and myself (2023 dissertation), presented Creation Essentialism as a biblically faithful conception of gender that prioritizes ontology over function and similarity over dissimilarity: “Men and women … Read more

Confronting the Evangelical Gaze: Christian Theology as Story and Song

This paper explores evangelical theology and its limitations from being a global theological enterprise. Part one will explore how the evangelical imagination informs the theological task and prohibits the emergence of minority theological voices. In part two, the paper investigates an approach to Christian theology encompassing story and song to mitigate the shortcomings of an … Read more

Global Evangelicalism, Plural Pronouns, and Corporate Election in Ephesians

The rise of the evangelical church in the majority world has elicited the need to study and research the evolving tradition (Lewis & Pierard, 2014; Stiller, Johnson, et. al, 2015; Pardue, 2023). This has allowed western-centric scholars to recognize their cultural limitations, e.g. that some theological insight may be applicable to their context but might … Read more

Theology for Coming to Terms with Our WEIRDness

Co-authored Proposal (with Jason McMartin) As Western Christians seek to discern their contribution to and benefit from global evangelicalism, we need to understand our unique cultural outlooks. Social science can be of some utility, but its findings must also be carefully sifted and evaluated theologically. Social scientists increasingly note that the methods and the findings … Read more

A Global Evangelicalism in Taiwan?

Amidst the current lack of literature in the English-speaking world concerning Christianity in Taiwan, the present paper seeks to assess to what extent there truly is a distinctive “Global” (i.e., “contextualized”) expression of Evangelicalism that is unique to Taiwan—this, in contradistinction to other forms of contextualized theologies in Taiwan that are found more within denominations … Read more

In Service to the (Local) Church: A Theology of Parachurch Ministries

How do Christian ministries not under the supervision of the local church fit within the grand scheme of God’s redemptive purposes in the world? How do churches and parachurch ministries (e.g., seminaries, academic societies, missionary organizations, campus ministries, Christian radio programs, etc.) co-exist in a mutually beneficial way while maintaining biblical fidelity? The answers to … Read more

A Methodology for Developing Theological Hispanic Institutes for First Generation Immigrants

According to recent demographic studies, the Hispanic population of the United States is now more numerous than ever. Although many of these immigrants are Christians who are interested in affordable theological education, relatively few institutions in the United States presently accommodate their unique needs. This proposed presentation will consider strategies for developing non-credit curriculum for … Read more