Comparing the Greek and Hebrew Discourse Structure of Haggai

Discourse Analysis was developed in the 1970s and 80s, when leaders in the field (like Longacre and van Dijk) set theory and methods in place. Nevertheless, only in the last decade or so has there been real traction in applying discourse methods not just to paragraphs or pericopes but to look at book-level discourse features. … Read more

The Pharisees in Acts – A Field Theory Approach

Traditional depictions of Pharisees in the church have historically been negative. However, modern studies of Pharisees have developed a much more complex picture of this group within Judaism. While there are negative depictions of Pharisees in the gospels (particularly Matthew and John), Luke is more moderate and in the Acts of the Apostles, the depiction … Read more

Clement of Alexandria’s Musical Thought: The State of the Question and New Opportunities

Calvin R. Stapert’s warning that Christians today are the “unwitting heirs of musical thought that has its roots in secular, naturalistic Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment thought, which was unusually indifferent to—and often hostile toward—Christian thought” is still a significant contribution (2006). Stapert’s thesis is at the heart of why Clement of Alexandria’s (c.150–c.215) musical thought is … Read more

Preaching as Therapy: Augustinian Anthropology for Christian Proclamation

Augustine’s holistic anthropology and homiletical insights offer us guidance for preaching to today’s Christians and pagans. This paper will address two important aspects of Augustinian anthropology. These include the relationship of faith to understanding (Augustine, Epistulae 120.3; Peters, 2009) and the affections to the mind and will (Komline, 2019; Harrison, 2000). In the former, Augustine … Read more

A Biblical Case for the Office and Work of the Evangelist

Most protestant ecclesiologists consider the Church to possess two active offices: elder and deacon (Allison; Hammett). The elder, synonymous with pastor and overseer, is a position of leadership with ecclesiastical authority. The deacon is a servant and facilitator of ministry. However, the evangelist is often missing from the discussion of Church polity. If God calls … Read more

The Four Senses of Scripture: Recovering an Ancient Way of Reading for Today

Of late there has been much written on the hermeneutics of the church fathers, reviving the Great Tradition, the superiority of precritical exegesis, or the sensibilities of premodern interpreters. Fewer, however, have demonstrated precisely what this looks like. This is somewhat surprising because though diversity exists in premodern interpretation, the fourfold sense (or the quadriga) … Read more