Confronting the Evangelical Gaze: Christian Theology as Story and Song

This paper explores evangelical theology and its limitations from being a global theological enterprise. Part one will explore how the evangelical imagination informs the theological task and prohibits the emergence of minority theological voices. In part two, the paper investigates an approach to Christian theology encompassing story and song to mitigate the shortcomings of an … Read more

Global Evangelicalism and the Nation-Building Project of the Australian WCTU

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was a widely influential force for the globalization of evangelical ideas and social programs, which were enthusiastically absorbed and applied in the Australian context. Prominent among those ideas were the twin influences of evangelical holiness theology and postmillennial enthusiasm. The temperance … Read more

Reimagining Slavery: The Reception of Colossians 4:1 and Ephesians 6:9 in the Ancient Church

Since the Colossian Haustafel assumes the continuation of slavery in the Christian community, most modern commentators promptly dismiss the possibility that τὴν ἰσότητα τοῖς δούλοις παρέχεσθε (Col 4:1a) is a command to grant slaves equality. Likewise, since the Ephesian Haustafel assumes the continuation of slavery, most modern commentators promptly dismiss the possibility that τὰ αὐτὰ … Read more

A Global Spirit: Jonathan Edwards and the Earliest Evangelical Vision

Evangelicalism is a movement for the protection and promotion of vital piety in the modern world, with origins in the globalising eighteenth century, and as such embodies a vision for both the world and for the individual. It offered the “power of godliness,” as revivalists would summarize it. As a movement it has successfully travelled … Read more