Augustine, Social Media, and Narrative Shaping of the Self

This proposal co-authored with Thomas Holsteen. In Confessions, Augustine presents two vignettes (3.2.2-4; 8.6.14-7.17) that, in important ways, parallel our interactions with social media. Both involve Augustine’s interaction and response to narratives, and both serve as smaller stories within the grand story of Confessions itself. Placing these two vignettes alongside one another sheds light on … Read more

The Tongues of Angels and the Mind of Christ

If I speak in the tongues of men and angels, do I speak with the mind of Christ? The spiritual gifts of prophecy, tongues, and interpretation are gifts are often considered in debates between cessationists and continuationists, but seldom in the full context of 1 Corinthians. Particularly, how is Paul’s teaching on the gifts in … Read more

So That He Might Be Ashamed: The Role of Shame in Church Discipline

In a culture that tends to view shame as neither helpful nor productive (Brené Brown, “Shame vs. Guilt,” 2013), Christians have rightly responded in defense of shame (Te-Li Lau, Defending Shame, 2020). Lau correctly asserts that Paul used shame for the sake of the moral formation of his readers, even encouraging the church to disassociate … Read more

The Light Shines in the Darkness – The Plotline of John’s Gospel in One Verse

John’s Gospel is a beacon of uniqueness, particularly in its rendering of the prologue. Like Mark, John doesn’t start with Jesus’s birth narrative but with John the Baptist’s testimony about the historical Jesus. John sets his Gospel apart by adding a preface to John the Baptist’s testimony. With few but profound words, before introducing the … Read more

The Two Layered Meaning of the Psalms

Biblical authors frequently quote psalms referring to the eschatological king and apply them to the people of God. This paper argues the prophets and apostles do not misappropriate the text in making these applications. Rather, this paper attempts to prove the psalms feature two layers of meaning. The first layer relates to the eschatological king. … Read more