Core Message of Speeches in Acts and High Christology

This study explores three fundamental inquiries. First, it investigates the core message embedded within the primary speeches in Acts, employing the information structure analysis which was developed by Stanley E. Porter and Matthew B. O’Donnell. Second, it examines the formulation of a creedal statement derived from an amalgamation of core expressions of the speeches and … Read more

“Sufficient for What? Calvin, Scripture, and Soul Care”

The Reformation raised the question of Scripture’s sufficiency in relation to church authority: the Reformers affirmatively answered the question, “Is Scripture sufficient for salvation apart from tradition?” Modern evangelicals consider a different question: “Is Scripture sufficient for soul care apart from modern psychology?” The relationship of Scripture and psychology in soul care is often discussed … Read more

The Divine Pursuit of Samaria: SFL-based Intertextuality in Hosea and John 4

The book of Hosea holds out astonishing divine promises for the restoration of northern Israel. In the rest of the Hebrew Bible, however, the salvation-historical focus narrows to Judah, seeming to leave out its northern counterpart after its destruction and exile (2 Kgs 17). Has the divine promise of restoration for northern Israel been enveloped … Read more

Investigating the Role of Divine Aseity in the Classical Theism vs Theistic Personalism Debate

This paper will examine the impact of divine aseity in the discussion between classical theists and theistic personalists. For the purposes of this study, “classical theism” refers to those who affirm the doctrines of divine simplicity, eternality, immutability, impassibility, and aseity. “Theistic personalists” refers to those who redefine or reject the previously mentioned doctrinal positions, … Read more

The Eschatology of Matthew 22:23-32 as Completing the Matthean Theology of Marriage

Scholars discussing marriage and divorce in Matthew typically only focus on Jesus’ instructions to the crowds in 5:31-32 and to the Pharisees in 19:3-12. The Matthean theology of marriage is incomplete, though, without also taking his correction of the Sadducees and its teleological ethics in 22:23-32 into consideration: Matthean creation theology in the reference to … Read more