American Evangelical Isolationism in Carl F.H. Henry’s Day and Ours

Carl F.H. Henry maintained a consistent opposition to socialism through the entirety of his life. One of his consistent criticisms was that socialism and the totalitarian governmental system that necessarily accompanies it endangers religious liberty. Correlative to this, democratic systems provide the natural preconditions for religious liberty to flourish. Thus, for Henry, the expansion of … Read more

Stepping Stones to Scholarship: A New Way to Introduce Children to Biblical Scholarship

This paper presents a pioneering approach to introducing children to the intricate world of biblical scholarship through the innovative medium of children’s picture books. Granted, children’s picture books are not new, but certain strategies for bridging the gap between biblical scholarship and children’s education via picture books is novel. Focusing on the often overlooked portion … Read more

Inaugurated Eschatology and the Petrine Imagination: An Argument for the Unity of 1 and 2 Peter

The Petrine epistles contain a strong strand of theological continuity that has not been adequately considered, namely, the shared eschatological framework behind Peter’s exhortations to endurance and obedience. These epistles, and 2 Peter in particular, have long struggled for theological legitimacy. Perhaps as a result, few significant arguments for continuity between the two letters have … Read more

Evangelicalism and Biblical illiteracy

Biblical illiteracy is on the rise, and along with it, declining morality, the exvangelical movement, deconstruction, and “dechurching.” This paper will explore the decline of biblical literacy and how it has contributed to each of these issues. It will also discuss the importance of hermeneutics in teaching the framework for understanding Scripture, not just stories … Read more

Clinging: The Anthropological Goal of Covenant Relationships

This paper will explore the use of the asyndeton phrase of Genesis 2:24 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.” The paper will pay close attention to the use of the Hebrew verb דבק. This verb, which means … Read more

Patronage and Reciprocity in Paul’s Metaphor of Adoption

Adoption (huiothesia, υιοθεσία) is an important Pauline metaphor describing the believer’s connection with God the Father (as well as the Son and the Holy Spirit) (Ephesians 1:5; Romans 8:23; Galatians 4:5). The concept of patronage and reciprocity affects one’s understanding of this metaphor. Garner states that spiritual adoption shows the patronage of the Heavenly Father … Read more

Scholarship and the Global Church—Why the Church Needs Scholars

Thesis: The calling to scholarship and academic work is crucial for the health and advancement of the global Church. Outline 1. Excuses given for anti-intellectualism 2. Legitimate reasons for suspicion of education 3. Acknowledging the limitations of education 4. Ways scholars serve the Church and magnify the work of Christ A. God created the mind … Read more