On the Disparity of Penalties in Deuteronomy 22:13-21

Deut 19:16-21 states that if someone falsely accuses another of a crime, and the falsehood of that accusation is discovered, then the false accuser should receive the same punishment that he or she attempts to inflict on the third party. In Deut 22:20-21, if the groom’s charge against his bride is proven true, her penalty … Read more

Exodus Motif in Adoption

The Exodus motif is applied to the people of God in 1 Peter 2:9-10. Israel’s journey, testing, and receiving God’s covenant were based on their identification as God’s son (Exodus 4:23). Adoption (huiothesia, υιοθεσία) is an important Pauline metaphor describing one’s connection with God the Father (as well as with the Son and the Holy … Read more

The Fear of the Lord as a Dispositional Belief

Scripture makes numerous, significant references to the fear of the Lord, but this concept still mystifies interpreters of Scripture. In this paper, I will explore the ways in which philosophical resources can provide some much needed nuance for this concept. I will argue that H. H. Price’s concept of dispositional belief can help us form … Read more

An Evangelical Historiography

Evangelicals have responded to logical positivist historiography in various ways. Thus, an exploration of these several different evangelical approaches to historiography needs to be done. Considering these positions, it will be argued that an evangelical historiography for use inside the church should look different from an evangelical historiography for use outside the church. That is, … Read more

The Greatest Conceived Being: A Trinitarian Response to Islamic Objections

Both Christian and Muslim theologians confess the perfect divine theology. Divine perfection relates to a state of completeness or absolute wholeness meaning that the greatest conceived being has no ontological deficiencies, has no flaws, and does not depend on anything else. There is no greater being that can be thought of which deserves human worship … Read more

Redressing an Imbalance: Two Sides of Missions Historiography

We propose a fresh look at missions history. The goal is to highlight the more recent awareness of displaced persons as vehicles for the growth of the church, while at the same time not forgetting the older acknowledgement of events, pioneers and heroes. Both are important as encouragements for the present-day church. In particular we … Read more