“‘Our’ Poets at Athens? Reconsidering a Variant Reading in Acts 17,28” “‘Our’ Poets at Athens? Reconsidering a Variant Reading in Acts 17,28” - Nathan J. Nadeau
“The First Pauline Chronologist? Probably Not: A Review Essay of Ryan Schellenberg’s ‘The First Pauline Chronologist’ from a Bayesian Perspective” “The First Pauline Chronologist? Probably Not: A Review Essay of Ryan Schellenberg’s ‘The First Pauline Chronologist’ from a Bayesian Perspective” - Nathan J. Nadeau
2 Timothy: Fight the Good Fight, Finish the Race, Keep the Faith 2 Timothy: Fight the Good Fight, Finish the Race, Keep the Faith - Frank W
Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes: Honor and Shame in Paul’s Message and Mission Reading Romans with Eastern Eyes: Honor and Shame in Paul’s Message and Mission - Brad Vaughn
A Messianic Commentary: Paul Presents to the Philippians Unity In The Messianic Community A Messianic Commentary: Paul Presents to the Philippians Unity In The Messianic Community - rseanemslie
“Living is Christ and Dying is Gain: Paul’s Reimagining of Human Flourishing in Philippians” “Living is Christ and Dying is Gain: Paul’s Reimagining of Human Flourishing in Philippians” - gregorylamb
“Israel and Her Vocation: The Fourth Stage of Romans 11” “Israel and Her Vocation: The Fourth Stage of Romans 11” - Paul Himes
N. T. Wright and Justification Revisited: A Contrarian Perspective N. T. Wright and Justification Revisited: A Contrarian Perspective - johnandrew.cowan
Grant Slaves Equality: Re-Examining the Translation of Colossians 4:1 Grant Slaves Equality: Re-Examining the Translation of Colossians 4:1 - Murray Vasser