Whence the Giant Jesus and his Talking Cross? The Resurrection in Gospel of Peter 10.39–42 as Prophetic Fulfilment of LXX Psalm 18 Whence the Giant Jesus and his Talking Cross? The Resurrection in Gospel of Peter 10.39–42 as Prophetic Fulfilment of LXX Psalm 18 - Frank W
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Fatherlessness: Implications for God’s Word, Church, and World Fatherlessness: Implications for God’s Word, Church, and World - gregorylamb
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“Sinfully Stereotyped: Jesus’s Desire to Correct Ancient Physiognomic Assumptions in the Gospel according to Luke” “Sinfully Stereotyped: Jesus’s Desire to Correct Ancient Physiognomic Assumptions in the Gospel according to Luke” - gregorylamb
Kingdom Hermeneutics and the Apocalypse: A Promotion of Consistent Literal Methodology Kingdom Hermeneutics and the Apocalypse: A Promotion of Consistent Literal Methodology - Cory Marsh
The Object of the Law is Realized in Christ: Romans 10:4 and Paul’s Justification Teaching The Object of the Law is Realized in Christ: Romans 10:4 and Paul’s Justification Teaching - Charles Irons
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