“Basil of Caesarea, Inseparable Operations, and the Divinity of the Holy Spirit: A Pro-Nicene Case Study” “Basil of Caesarea, Inseparable Operations, and the Divinity of the Holy Spirit: A Pro-Nicene Case Study” - Torey Teer
“Classical versus Contemporary: Engaging Trinitarian and Pneumatological Models for Ongoing Theological Construction” “Classical versus Contemporary: Engaging Trinitarian and Pneumatological Models for Ongoing Theological Construction” - Torey Teer
“Inseparable Operations, Trinitarian Missions, and the Necessity of a Christological Pneumatology” “Inseparable Operations, Trinitarian Missions, and the Necessity of a Christological Pneumatology” - Torey Teer
“The Text of Acts in MS Bibl. Nationale Syr. 30” “The Text of Acts in MS Bibl. Nationale Syr. 30” - Daniel McConaughy
The Universal and Cosmic Dimensions of the Vocation of the Magi in Jacob of Serug’s Mimro: On the Star that Appeared to the Magi The Universal and Cosmic Dimensions of the Vocation of the Magi in Jacob of Serug’s Mimro: On the Star that Appeared to the Magi - Daniel McConaughy
“He Is Like a Tree: Arboreal Imagery for Humans in Biblical Wisdom Literature” “He Is Like a Tree: Arboreal Imagery for Humans in Biblical Wisdom Literature” - Andrew Steinmann
The D Stem System in Biblical Hebrew: Meaning and Exegetical Implications The D Stem System in Biblical Hebrew: Meaning and Exegetical Implications - Andrew Steinmann
Eleusinian Mysteries, Eucharistic Myths: Problems for B. Muraresku’s Immortality Key Eleusinian Mysteries, Eucharistic Myths: Problems for B. Muraresku’s Immortality Key - Nathan J. Nadeau
Genre-Specific Biblical Interpretation in 1 Peter Genre-Specific Biblical Interpretation in 1 Peter - Jordan Atkinson
“A Theology of Believer’s Repentance in Habakkuk from a Triadic Interpretative Approach” “A Theology of Believer’s Repentance in Habakkuk from a Triadic Interpretative Approach” - Cory Marsh