“The Rapture: Cosmic Segregation or Antidote for Oppression? A Critical Response to the ‘Racial Ideology of Rapture'” “The Rapture: Cosmic Segregation or Antidote for Oppression? A Critical Response to the ‘Racial Ideology of Rapture'” - Cory Marsh
Junius and Van Til on Natural Knowledge of God Junius and Van Til on Natural Knowledge of God - Nate Shannon
“Loving Wisdom: The Ἀγαπάω-Φιλέω Exchange in John 21:15-17 as an Allusion to LXX Proverbs 8:17” “Loving Wisdom: The Ἀγαπάω-Φιλέω Exchange in John 21:15-17 as an Allusion to LXX Proverbs 8:17” - Paul Himes
“Addressing the Stigma Associated with Seeking Help for Mental Health Among Asian Americans” “Addressing the Stigma Associated with Seeking Help for Mental Health Among Asian Americans” - Daniel Eng
“The Biblical Hebrew Beth Essentiae: Predicate Marker” “The Biblical Hebrew Beth Essentiae: Predicate Marker” - Jacques Boulet
Religions and the Doctrine of God: Comparing J. H. Bavinck and Cherbonnier Religions and the Doctrine of God: Comparing J. H. Bavinck and Cherbonnier - Nate Shannon
“The Minority Report: A Different Assessment for Interpreting Jude, Part 2″ “The Minority Report: A Different Assessment for Interpreting Jude, Part 2″ - Herbert Bateman
“Dancing Around the Black Box: The Problem and Metaphysics of Perichoresis” “Dancing Around the Black Box: The Problem and Metaphysics of Perichoresis” - ChrisWoznicki
“Engaging Women with a Suffering Sophia: Prospects and Pitfalls for Evangelicals” “Engaging Women with a Suffering Sophia: Prospects and Pitfalls for Evangelicals” - cristinarichie
“Catholic Health Care’s Responsibility to the Environment” “Catholic Health Care’s Responsibility to the Environment” - cristinarichie