Are Substance Dualists to Blame for Transgender Beliefs? A Brief Theological Note

The evangelical church and academia have recently been wrestling with the transgender movement. At the popular level, people with gender dysphoria describe themselves using phrases like ‘being born in the wrong body,’ ‘having a female body but a male soul,’ etc. Scholars meanwhile debate whether gender should be seen as a biologically essentialist category or, … Read more

How Many Attributes in God? “Cambridge Attributes” and the Analogy of Symmetry Breaking

Every semester in systematic theology courses, professors teach students about theology proper, including God’s attributes. Every Sunday in churches, preachers exegete and proclaim truth from God’s Word, including the truth about his attributes. When the many biblical attributes are considered together, differing traditions categorize God’s attributes in various ways: communicable and incommunicable, goodness and greatness, … Read more

Virtual Jesus and Iconography: A Pixelated Christology in the Digital Age

Christology, the bedrock of Christianity, is a topic of profound significance. Consequently, every culture has its portrait of Christology. Likewise, each generation must engage in the doctrine of Christ. Speaking of cultural reality in today’s digital age, how does digital technology affect our Christological portraits in a world where digitality permeates cultural reality? Does an … Read more

The Violent Trinity of Penal Substitution–Can Bavinck now Save Us?

In contemporary soteriological discourse, the assertion has frequently been made that penal substitution jeopardizes the union of the Trinity. To answer the concern, many advocates of penal substitution have turned to the inseparability of operations in order to blunt the charge. While the inseparability of operations successfully circumnavigates some aspects of the Trinitarian Critique–as in … Read more

Is the Passover a Penal Sacrifice of Atonement?

What role should the Passover sacrifice play in shaping a biblical theology of atonement? Many scholars assume that the Passover is a paradigm for understanding Christ’s atoning work; some interpreters even regard the Passover as a penal sacrifice. While Jesus’ sacrifice is undoubtedly compared to the Passover, it is far less clear whether the Bible … Read more

Implications of John 5:16–27 for the Doctrine of Eternal Generation

In 2017, D. A. Carson dubbed John 5:26 the “Crux Interpretum for Eternal Generation” (Sanders and Swain, eds., Retrieving Eternal Generation, 79–97). It is difficult to disagree with Carson—if, in fact, it can be established that the Father’s bestowal of ζωὴν ἐν ἑαυτῷ (“life in himself,” NIV) is a reference to a paternal grant of … Read more